Simply Aware

Simply Aware
Part 1

App-Based Guided Meditations
Hosted by Waking Up

In Simply Aware, Mark Coleman points to how the very qualities many of us seek to cultivate in our daily lives—peace, clarity, freedom—are actually intrinsic to awareness itself.

“Stillness is the nature of your own mind, no matter what is happening,” he says. When we attend to the ever-present spaciousness we discover in formal practice, we can find “steady, equanimous balance in the midst of any and all experience.”

Resilience and Nature

with Mark Coleman
Self-Guided Online Course

In Meditating in Nature, Mark Coleman invites us to cultivate “the joy and profundity of a nature-based practice.”

Across eight guided sessions, Mark reveals how the simplest of experiences—”listening to morning birdsong, gazing up at the vastness of the night sky, lying in a wildflower meadow”—can make meditation more effortless and enjoyable, and even “open the mind to insight about timeless truths.”

Resilience and Nature
Meditating in Nature

Meditating in Nature
Part 1 and Part 2

App-Based Guided Meditations
Hosted by Waking Up

In Meditating in Nature, Mark Coleman invites us to cultivate “the joy and profundity of a nature-based practice.”

Across eight guided sessions, Mark reveals how the simplest of experiences—”listening to morning birdsong, gazing up at the vastness of the night sky, lying in a wildflower meadow”—can make meditation more effortless and enjoyable, and even “open the mind to insight about timeless truths.”

Cultivating the Boundless Qualities of the Heart

On-Demand Course
Hosted by Insight Timer

Over 10 sessions these beautiful practices will help you develop the profound loving capacity of the heart. You will cultivate the sublime meditations of Love, Compassion, Joy, Forgiveness and Empathy. You begin by cultivating a kind presence towards yourself and then grow this boundless heart to include all life so you live with a loving presence wherever you go.

Mindfulness in Nature
Mindfulness in Nature

Mindfulness in Nature
Cultivating Embodied Awareness

On-Demand Course
Hosted by Sangha Live

Ancient wisdom teachings, including those of the Buddha, ask humans to pay attention to the richness of life on our planet, to offer gratitude for all that we receive, and to care for all living things. And yet, while the earth calls for our attention, our focus is lost in digital screens and indoor living. As a result, we feel deeply disconnected, distracted, and dulled. We also fail to respond wisely as the earth and its species suffer greatly.

The good news? We can reawaken our sensory awareness by stepping out into any natural setting and skillfully expanding our field of our attention. Through meditation in the natural world, we can open our minds and hearts, and form a deeper connection with all living things.

Freedom from the Inner Critic

On-Demand Course
Hosted by

We’ve all heard the voice of the inner critic – that part of us that judges us, shames us, and makes us feel inadequate. Mark shares a practical pathway for freeing yourself from self-doubt and restoring your sense of worthiness. Enjoy 7 days of audio teachings and meditations. Each day includes a 5-10-minute lesson and a 10-minute meditation.

Fredom from the Inner Critic