Before applying, please note that applicants should have:
1. A minimum of three years regular meditation practice (mindfulness based)
2. Attended at least one silent mindfulness retreats of a minimum of five days each
3. Extensive experience being in nature
Exceptions concerning these guidelines are at the discretion of the faculty.
This application form is specifically for the European-based Awake in the Wild Teacher Training. If you wish to apply to the North American Awake in the Wild Teacher Training, please click here.
When you submit your application, please also send a photograph of yourself. For the European training, please send it to Sarah at [email protected].
NOTE: It may take a moment for your application to go through once you have hit the “Submit” button. Please do not navigate away from this page until you receive an onscreen confirmation message that your application has been successfully received. If you do not receive a confirmation message, then it is likely the application has not been submitted. Please check that you have filled in all of the required fields before resubmitting.