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A Benefit for Spirit Rock and One Earth Sangha

with James Baraz, Rhonda Magee, Mark Coleman, and Kristin Barker

This Earth Day gathering will be a time to connect with each other in community to share our love and care for the Earth, feel any grief or other strong responses to the climate situation, and learn how to move through stuck places into inspiring action. A connection with community in a way that embraces the sorrows and the joys leads to a wholehearted commitment for wise stewardship of the Earth. With compassion and humility, we begin to understand our place as co-inhabitants, and take on the joyful responsibility to do our part to protect this planet and all the life it supports as an act of love.

We will enjoy presentations, meditation, and music, and connect with like-minded friends who celebrate the Earth by committing to be, as best we can, agents of healing for the planet and all living beings.

Location: On-Land in our Community Meditation Center and Online via Zoom

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