Explore both inner and outer nature through this on-demand nature meditation course.
Ancient wisdom teachings, including those of the Buddha, ask humans to pay attention to the richness of life on our planet, to offer gratitude for all that we receive, and to care for all living things. And yet, while the earth calls for our attention, our focus is lost in digital screens and indoor living. As a result, we feel deeply disconnected, distracted, and dulled. We also fail to respond wisely as the earth and its species suffer greatly.
The good news? We can reawaken our sensory awareness by stepping out into any natural setting and skillfully expanding our field of our attention. Through meditation in the natural world, we can open our minds and hearts, and form a deeper connection with all living things.
World-renowned meditation teacher, Mark Coleman, leads this month-long, nature-based mindfulness course, now in on-demand format. Mark is an author, senior meditation teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, founder of Awake in the Wild, and co-director of Mindfulness Training Institute, who has led mindful wilderness retreats around the world for twenty years.
On-Demand Course Format
The beauty of our on-demand courses is that they can be completed independently, on your own timeline, at your own pace.
This on-demand course is divided into 4 modules, with a loosely suggested pace of 1 module per week. Each module includes 3 lesson, exercise, and assignment videos, amounting to approx. 1 hour of teachings per module.
For optimal course experience, we recommend watching Mark’s course videos from a location where you have access to both the outdoors and the internet — even if that means sitting in a room with an open window. You have the option of downloading the MP3s, in order to listen to the audio recordings in the outdoors, without internet.