Love and compassion are essential and beautiful aspects of living a full and awake human life. The presence of love opens the heart, allowing a kind embrace of ourself, other people, all species, and the earth herself.
This open-heartedness also allows us to meet the pain in ourself and in others with care and responsive compassion.
In this experiential day of guided meditation, discussion, and interactive exercises, we will discover how to cultivate these beautiful heart qualities, inquire into what obstructs them, and learn how to bring them alive in our life. We will explore how to embrace all of ourselves with a kind, loving attention and to meet the pain in ourself and others with a compassionate care.
We will draw guidance from Buddhist teachings as well as poets and teachers who beautifully express in words and actions the power of love and compassion in the world.
All are welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds as space allows. For more information, please email [email protected].