with Mark Coleman, MA, Diana Winston, Carol Cano, MA and Rolf Gates
In this silent mindfulness meditation retreat, we will explore the innate quality of awareness as the foundation for cultivating clarity, understanding, and insight into human experience. We will investigate how through mindfulness practice we can develop insight into the causes of stress and the causes of genuine happiness. We will examine what it means to abide with kindness and awareness in the midst of any experience, whether in meditation or in life, so we can live with a genuine non-reactive freedom wherever we are.
As well as sitting and walking insight meditation practice, we will emphasize integrating lovingkindness and compassion into all moments of the retreat. This allows a kind embrace of ourselves and connects us intimately with each other and the world. The retreat will offer periods of meditation, dharma talks, and opportunity for questions and discussion. It is suitable for newer and experienced students of meditation.