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Awake in the Wild – Mindfulness Practices and the Joy & Peace of Meditation in Nature

Online Only , United States

Like the Buddha, people for millennia have sought sanctuary in the refuge of the natural world. In this tranquil and rejuvenating online retreat, we’ll explore how meditation is supported by the stillness of nature as we spend the day in sitting and walking meditation, accessible wherever you are.

USD $45 – USD $200

Weekday Nature Meditations – Online

Online Only , United States

These online meditations will be a support for all those who like to be in nature and feel the support of the natural world for our practice and to help calm and relax our body, mind and heart.

Sunday Sangha with Sangha Live

Online Only , United States

When we turn our attention to the sensory, natural world around us, mindfulness practice can become easeful and expansive. Nature allures awareness through her beauty, and range of dynamic, enchanting experience. In this session we will practice cultivating attention to our sense experience, and discovering joy, peace and wonder in this very moment. Tune in from any peaceful environment outdoors with an internet connection, or indoors, ideally with a view of the outdoors.

The Time Is Now: Showing Up for the Planet

with James Baraz, Rhonda Magee, Mark Coleman, and Kristin Barker This Earth Day gathering will be a time to connect with each other in community to share our love and care for the Earth, feel any grief or other strong responses to the climate situation, and learn how to move through stuck places into inspiring action.

The Nature Summit

Online Only , United States

What important lessons does nature have to teach us? How do we connect with the healing power of the natural world? How do we love the Earth, draw inspiration from its beauty and protect it in times of crisis? In response to these timely questions Mark Coleman of Awake in the Wild and Eric Forbis of Wisdom for Life are bringing you this inspiring conference on nature and our relationship to it.

Monday Night Class – Online or In Person

In Person at Spirit Rock or Online via Zoom , United States

The Monday Night sitting group at Spirit Rock has been a welcoming refuge for the community to gather, hear the teachings of the Buddha and practice mindfulness meditation. During the pandemic, Spirit Rock is continuing to offer this group online via Livestream.

The Best Year of Your Life Summit

Online Only , United States

Do you ever feel like you’re setting New Year’s resolutions every year with the best of intentions? Only to see your big plans fall by the wayside within a few weeks? That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about an extraordinary online event called The Best Year of Your Life Summit, and I want to invite you to attend for FREE. Why is it called “The Best Year of Your Life” Summit? Because it’s designed to get rid of the blocks that have been holding you back so you can have the transformative 2024 you deserve.

The Heart of Nature Summit 2024

The Heart of Nature Summit is a call to embrace the transformative power of the heart in healing ourselves and our world. It's an invitation to explore how living in harmony with nature and leading with the heart can usher in profound changes in our lives and the global community. Join me along with Jane Fonda, Marianne Williamson, Tara Brach, Paul Hawken, Louie Schwartzberg, Peter Coyote, "V" (Eve Ensler), Michael Yellow Bird, Lynne Twist, Nina Simons, Valerie Mason-John, Daniel Siegel and many more for this 7-day journey.

Awake in the Wild Teacher Training Informational Q&A Session

This online informational session with Mark Coleman is for those interested in applying to his Awake in the Wild Teacher Training and who have questions about the program. If you want to lead others in meditation in nature practices, now is your chance to ask Mark about this exciting program.

Freeing Yourself from the Inner Critic – Follow-Up Class

Online Only , United States

This online follow-up class to the Freeing Yourself from the Inner Critic daylong retreat at Spirit Rock is a touchstone to check in about the practices learned on retreat and build on new practices. There will be a Q&A with Mark to ask your questions about working with the inner critic.

Natural Radiance: The Freedom of Awareness

Spirit Rock 5000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Woodacre, CA, United States

In this silent meditation retreat, we will explore this innate quality of awareness – what it is, how to recognize it, and how to cultivate and nurture it. We will investigate how moment-to-moment continuity of mindfulness builds concentration, which in turn supports a depth of awareness.

Weekday Nature Meditations – Online

These online meditations will be a support for all those who like to be in nature and feel the support of the natural world for our practice and to help calm and relax our body, mind and heart.

Weekday Nature Meditations – Online

Online Only , United States

These online meditations will be a support for all those who like to be in nature and feel the support of the natural world for our practice and to help calm and relax our body, mind and heart.

Weekday Nature Meditations – Online

Online Only , United States

These online meditations will be a support for all those who like to be in nature and feel the support of the natural world for our practice and to help calm and relax our body, mind and heart.

Sangha Live’s Sunday Sangha

In this session we will explore how the natural world is not only a place to develop resilience in stressful times but also a profound source of wisdom, joy and equanimity, which are essential qualities that can nourish us when the world around us is in upheaval.

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